Sunday 30 June 2013

Am I inappropriately dressed for crime-fighting?

Behind you!”, Fayth psychically screamed at Reina, who was in the midst of tying up a gang of armed robbers. Reina had temporally frozen and apprehended most of the gang and was in the process of tying them so the proper authorities could deal with them, although she had forgotten to securely disarm one of the robbers, who revealed a gun from a hidden holster on their person. Since working with Fayth, Reina had grown accustomed to the telepathic warnings that she received and immediately ducked without looking to see what the danger was. Stretching out her hand and focusing her will into stopping whatever attack that would have been a fatal one, Reina froze the armed robber just as he fired the shot. Taking a moment to compose and stand herself upright, Reina concentrated on the temporal frozen robber while immediately scanning for any potential threats that might creep up on her. She even consulted Fayth to mentally scan the untied robbers’ thoughts to see if they posed any further risk to her. Once she was given the all clear, Reina stalked over to frozen armed robber, disarmed his weapon and delivered a hard blow to his nose, releasing the temporal stasis at the moment just before she made contact with his face.

Great, now my sari is dirty”, Reina muttered angrily under her breathe as she started to tie up the robber.

No time for appearances, dear. Let’s wrap this up and get gone from here. I can see the lights of the police approaching…” Fayth telepathically urged Reina. From her place on top of a four-storey building, Fayth had access to the view of the street of where the events had taken place. It was from there where she could assist Reina without being seen by civilians and avoid the intense liveliness of the situation. To anyone passing by, Fayth would just seem like any other civilian, who happened to be witnessing the events, thus avoiding suspicion that Fayth was actually involved at all. Even if she did arouse suspicion, Fayth could easily convince them otherwise, placing suggestions within their mental thought processes if she needed to.

Alright, I’m done now. I’ll meet you back at rendezvous point.

Fayth gathered herself and left the rooftop by the fire escape, which led down into the dark, damp alleyway below. Once she stepped out from the shadows, she began a casual jog back to the designated place. Dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie, Fayth would appear like a night-time jogger in the city, further avoiding any suspicion and passing off as an innocent civilian. As she took a few turns and minor detours along her jog, Fayth turned a corner of a street and was greeted with a faint, ominous feeling picked up by her psychic senses. Although it was weak, Fayth sensed the hint of desperation and tension nearby, almost as if someone was anticipating for something to happen. Fayth quickly dismissed it when she could see no immediate danger in the vicinity, but her pace quickened, as the anticipation leaked into her own feelings and facilitated her jogging speed.

She jogged past a darkened alleyway, and to her surprise, a person jumped out and barged her to the ground, crashing her side into the ground and knocking the breath out from her. Disorientated, Fayth attempted to scramble away from her attacker, but her hair was grabbed from behind and pulled back so that her neck arched backwards. Without so much as a warning, Fayth could feel the cold surface of a blade pressed lightly against her exposed neck and she could feel the heated breath of her attacker close against her left ear. To her psychic senses, she could feel the attacker’s heightened adrenaline, the exerted pressure that they applied in restraining her hair and steadying the knife against her throat, and that same feeling of anxiety and nervousness, only much clearer now that their physical and psychic presence was closer to Fayth now.

“G-give me all your money!”, her attacker practically shouted in her ear. She could hear the panic and urgency evident in his voice, which also extended to the hand holding the knife to her throat, as it was slightly shaking with tension.

Fayth remained still, intently aware of the blade and trying to not move a muscle in case the slightest movement resulted in her throat being sliced opened. In desperation, Fayth mentally screamed out to Reina, but when her friend’s thoughts did not answer her psychic distress, she knew that she was alone and on her own for this.

Friday 28 June 2013

First Post - Neil Sylvain

The house was surprisingly devoid of objects. The only things one could find in there were plastic utensils and plastic plates, glasses. There were no devices around, no computer, no stereo, no TV, not even light bulbs, for some bizarre reason the housekeeper never understood. There weren't any bathroom stuff either, no towels, no shampoo, no sponges. The house was underdecorated, it hardly even had the walls painted after he moved in. No one was sure that he even stayed there at any time, because the bed still had that transparent cover on, made of plastic. 
Little did they know that he was there all the time, just too quiet for them to hear. Living alone, like a prisoner. The only people he would see were the housekeeper that was coming by every month for the rent and that woman, a bit older than him, from the sight of it. And not bad looking either. The neighbours would peek from their doors every time she appeared with her fancy car, her business suit and her red hair that barely reached her neck. She always carried a picnic basket with her and a briefcase made of some non-metallic material. She was quite pretty, in a dangerous fashion, but she would always visit him once in a while, with that basket and that briefcase, though the briefcase was only showing up once per month.
She was the only visitor that didn't mean to ask him for the rent and the only person that came in and out of that apartment. He wasn't ever leaving.
So, just like that, she appeared one more time, with the same basket and the same briefcase. She walked in the building and headed straight to his apartment. She knocked the door and he let her in. She took a pair of rubber gloves and put them on, before handing him the briefcase.
"You didn't miscount, I hope." He said.
"I told you, Neil, I could buy this little sorry apartment for you, instead of worrying every time for the freaking rent. Paying rent is so... Not my style."
"I am not sure how long I'll get to stay here, so I don't want you to make an investment that won't work." She chuckled in response.
"When will you learn? All of my investments work. Oh, I brought something Greek this time. I don't remember how my chef called it. Moussaka, I think." She said and put the basket on the table. He approached and took a tupper from inside. He opened it, grabbed one of the plastic forks and started eating.
"I am working on a cure, you know. So that you'll get back."
"There's no cure, Eleanor. Nothing can fix this."
"You never know. I am not giving up on you, like you never gave up on your dreams until now. This situation has cursed you and I am not letting you throw everything away just because you can't touch anything or anyone. I will find a way to get this thing away from you or I'll make a special section, entirely made of rubber, just for you."
"That's sweet, but yeah, try focusing your powers on something else, something more important." She threw a side-glare at him.
"Nothing is more important than you."


Since the beginning of humanity, people have always been a mystery to the journey of life. For they grow up, walk, learn, gather, hunt, fight, breed, nurture their offspring, grow old and die. The never-ending cycle of a human’s life is forever consistent, never deviating or straying off on a tangent from these important stages. Through their epic voyage of this world, their desire for more lingers, and so in between the major aspects, humans find themselves occupied with the minor details, such as entertainment, experience, integrity, joy, laughter, love, memories, passion, and significant moments that are special to them. All in all, the human nature is a complex one.

It was through their need to ensure their own survival and that of their offspring that humans developed a number of tools and skills to endure the harsh conditions that they faced. Certain abilities and behaviours were seen to advantage individuals who possessed such traits, particularly in grave times of living in an unknown environment. These adaptive qualities would also serve to help and guarantee the success of passing along their genetics through the survival of their offspring. Thus, the more offspring that were reproduced and survived, the more adaptive they were within the dangerous surroundings, and the likelihood of their own survival and reproduction.

It wasn't until Charles Darwin proposed the idea of natural selection and the evolutionary process whereby humans had evolved to adopt certain characteristics. Although some traits served an adaptive purpose in the past, their evolutionary advantage has long since expired in this day and age. Within this mechanical and technological development, humanity faces new threats and their own evolutionary survival tools that their ancestors had secured for them may not be so beneficial and suitable now. Indeed, the game has changed for many of us, and more than ever now, new traits are required if we are to confront and live through the oncoming storm of uncertainty.

Thus, just like the continuous changes to a person’s self-concept, the endless reforms of societal norms and structures, and the ever shifting seasons throughout the year, the evolution of humans is not locked in stasis and must too undergo a much needed adjustment period. However, the evolutionary process is gradual and requires a direction in which to change humanity for the better. Coincidentally during one summer, a destabilised reaction from the Sun caused an outburst of hazardous radiation, which was set towards the planet that would devastate the ecosystem and inhabited life on Earth. Despite the organisation of military personnel and scientific research, they were unsuccessful in diverting the solar radiation from its course towards Earth. While all hope was lost and the planet was nearing annihilation, an unexpected turn of events occurred when the solar radiation penetrated the outer atmosphere but lost its momentum once within the inner layers of the atmosphere. The radiation hovered there for some time before it dispersed and extinguished from the skies.

Unknowingly, the weakened solar radiation attached itself to humans and soaked into their cells, and became the catalyst that would initiate the much needed evolutionary transformation. Since then, there are certain individuals who may be currently undergoing or who have already experienced this evolutionary transformation. Among the everyday groups and societies, people are beginning to exhibit special and unique traits that may facilitate or inhibit their physical, mental and spiritual growth. In these strange and abnormal times, they will go through new experiences and form new friendships and enemies in line with their recently developed qualities. They will be hesitant to react with the choices to make about that aspect of themselves, but there is one certain thing that they will come to realise about their human nature:

A life, a little less ordinary.

Our story begins in Novum Aurora, a recently developed city within Europe, which has flourished with the vitality of people from all over the world. It is in this city where we follow the lives of certain individuals who may possess such evolutionary developed traits and the new adventures and hazards that they may face due to their extraordinary qualities.