Monday 17 March 2014

Bad Beginnings

In Europe, a sprawling city was built, a city for new hopes and new dreams, based on old fashioned ideals and traditions, created in the image of mother nature's own perfection but furnished with the latest in cutting edge technology, this city was to be the city of all cities. This brought builders and merchants, bankers and business men from all around the world, they would shake hands and make deals, batter for wears and sell what was no longer needed to foreign markets to further bring forward this great city. Yet, with all good intentions and the highest of hopes, there are always those that bring corruption to an unpolluted entity. Novum Aurora, The New Dawn, would it truly live up to it's namesake?

It was late and it was pitch black, the sky-scraping buildings truly earning their name as their towering masses bloated out the skies above and caste elongated tendril-like shadows onto the ground below and for miles around. In this sprawling city, so many buildings so close together made it impossible for the stars to beam down their glorious light down upon this city of pleasure and more importantly... sin. In a small corner of the giant metropolis of Novum Aurora, two particular individuals of "unique" character were in the middle of a rather sloppy skirmish. A large man, of unusual proportions held a young and much more supple woman prisoner within his grip, the whole time a third party was watching from on high with an insatiable lust for action.

A struggle, rather short lived and of little interest took place, the only unusual aspect was that the only one seemingly more afraid and harmed was the larger man who had at first seemed to have the situation completely in his favour only to be seen fleeing at break neck speed, crashing and charging carelessly through the darkened streets. Unhindered by his hulking frame his reflexes for someone of such heft was almost baffling, his long shadow casting stranger and stranger shapes as he rounded yet more corner's yet all the while, eye's from above the metal and glass peered down using their piercing, all-seeing deep gaze. Watching, creeping, silently pondering, twisted machinations swirling like a endless vortex, focused with keen sense's for the individual below. Soon it would be time to strike, soon.

A man with reptilian qualities hide in the darkest corner of the darkest alley he could find, his mind still flailing around in pain from his mental wounds, his pain still racked his mind and dulled his sense's, he chose this neat little nest to hide from anyone who would torment him further but his disillusioned mind had been so preoccupied with pain he hadn't even noticed another foul soul lingering dauntingly close. It remained completely still, observing and watching the great beast fall so low and watched as the animal began to lower it's guard thinking itself so safe and sheltered in it's little hole. It was only sometime later that the animal began to feel a great sense of unease and then sharply his keen sense of smell relapsed into life and his basic instinct's began to recognise a foreign presence, unlike anything the beast had seen or met before, there was the distinct lack of smell in the air around this being, it left no scent in the air to track or to find. The great man rose, slapping his tail against the wall and turning to face the entity that stood before him. It felt both human and beast to him, both part life and part death.

"W..what.. wretched thing... are you? Sneaking up on me... following me to my home...who.. who do you think your messing with... I..I oughta shred you limb from limb!" His mind unable to focus completely but his basic animal instincts still pulsed to the surface with thoughts of self preservation and the need to beat back this would be opponent. He inhaled hard, puffing up his chest and throwing back his shoulders as if hoping a display of raw force would cause the shadowy figure to flee in terror but there was no movement, temporarily there was a stand-off, no one moved or even exhaled. It was the lizard that barked with more authority this time, having regained his mental fortitude and gained confidence having now immersed himself in his own familiar surroundings, he was curious now, most fled at the very sight of him and few remained after he built himself up and towered over those around him, he wanted to know who exactly had followed him and for what purpose.

"Not a big talker eh? Maybe I just spill your guts here and now and try to decide from your entrails whether your friend or foe if you really don't feel like telling your old pal here what it is you exactly want from someone like me?" His words rang around him in this concealed alley, bouncing from wall to wall, so thick and deep were these back alleys that no sound would even pass near another soul who would pass by, that's why this spot had been picked to hide from the cruel, bitter world that lay just outside these hollowed out alleys and streets.

The reptilian grew impatient with his rather unwelcome guest, he only seemed to further test his patience with complete silence and foreboding. The figure twitched in the vague light that lay around them, it seemed to spasm and jerk rapidly as if convulsing or in pain. The lizard had no idea whether this "thing" would attack or flee but its sudden erratic movements pushed the lizard from cautious optimism to fright and murderous intent. Swiftly pushing hard against the ground with his massive legs, the lizard swung himself around bringing his tail in for a swipe, hitting down hard and with a thud there was a great splattering of blood as the unspeaking guest hit the wall behind them hard and fast, slumping down and there it remained silent and still. Curious to find out what exactly it was he had splattered so nicely against his wall, the reptile strode forward, covering great distance with each stride of his muscular, scaled and clawed legs and toes. There was a human body, laying crumpled against the wall, blood dripped from it's head to it's legs, covering it in a thick crimson that shimmered in the twinkling dim lights of this little "cave". Proud of himself, he laughed at the corpse that lay before him, no longer afraid, feeling reassured in his victory and comforted by his own home to shelter him.

He slashed with his claws along the already tattered and ripped clothes, sinking his fingers in long and deep, savouring the kill perhaps after only early failing to mug a girl only half his size and stature. He thought for a moment and decided on something new turning his back to the crumpled mess at the wall, he moved off but as he took his first step, his sense's flared wildly, almost in disarray, he couldn't take in the new information his mind began to give him. The person he thought broken and beat, dead by his hand was standing up once more, in silence it stood up on it's feet, blood squirted out from the open wound with the sudden movement and splattered to the floor, alerting the already tense beast back into action. A fight ensued before silence once again was restored, temporarily. A blood curdling scream rang out, silenced against the great noise of the bustling mid-night streets beyond but it pierced through the empty back alleys and side passages that those not wishing to be found could be found. It woke those that had been sleeping rough, it tormented those that had wandered into the wrong neighbourhood by accident and even those who made such a horrible place their residence left in fear and dismay.

Blood poured into the open drainage gutter beside the corpse as it bleed out, glazed over eye's slowly closed for their last time and the breathe within it's lungs shot forth and was free.

The lizard lay dead, his crimson regret fled from him like a river and the quivering mass was nowhere to be seen.