Thursday 26 March 2015


Rudrya started walking towards the tall guy and Larsa. They seemed locked together for a moment, he turned his head to the oncoming bouncers....except there was something not quite right, they were too.... aggressive to be bouncers, they looked too practiced. So he stayed in the background. If he intervened and they were from the government he would probably find himself on a boat or in jail....or both.
The 7 suits were nearly upon the tall man, he seemed to hesitate for a moment like he was processing his thoughts, then, he brought up his hand. One of the suits suddenly froze as if being manipulated by strings, he seemed to struggle against an invisible force, his face in a terrified rictus. Tall guy then threw him into 3 of his other comrades with a wave of his hand. The other 3 had drawn what looked like small remote controls. Tall guys head snapped round and he used one of the suits to block the path of the stun gun hooks, they the other three were upon him.
In the mean while the panic had set in and people were running away from, or trying to film the commotion. It had all happened to quick for anyone to have filmed the empty force but plenty had seen. The raised voices echoed round the sports hall, as the suits ran they had shoved several people to the ground including Larsas students, so much for Harmonic fist. It was easy for Rudraya to stick close, his heart was starting to race as his adrenalin grew. Either it would be a chase or tall guy would be captured, he hoped for the former.
The suit that got there first met with a kick to the knee as he stumbled over his comrade, he never saw it coming. His leg bent the wrong way at the knee as his own weight caused him to fold, there was a sickening crack and a slight pop as the tendons and ligaments tore and twisted. Tall guy positioned himself between the broken suit as the other two went round to flank him. He spun and threw out a hand to block the incoming fist that he couldn’t see but it was aimed low and caught him in the side as he stumbled from the glancing blow. He never cried out once and his focus was impressive, his movements were well chosen and he was constantly moving, using his height advantage to smash downward .He moved in close to elbow the suit but they both knew clearly what they were doing and shoulder barged him into the other. The other suit had come up behind and had brought out a baton and brought it back to smash down on tall guys skull. At the same time tall guy had planted his weight and had grabbed the back of the suits coat as he pivoted with the weight, he got a glancing blow to the nose with the baton. Tall guy then turned and ran for the exit, blood streaming from his face.
This was his chance. Even though it would look more than a little weird for him to persue tall guy he wasn’t going to give up this chance. He thought about leaving by a different exit, but chances were he wouldn’t be recognised in all the panic. The regular security were running into the hall now, asking people to leave by all available exits and attending to the suit with the broken knee. The other suits had got up and were already chasing tall guy. “At least I’m leaving by the nearest available exit” thought as he ran.
As he burst through the door and into the close pack buildings near to the sports hall he realised that if he had to confront the suits he would probably be come under the government radar so they couldn’t see his face. He also realised he wasn’t that much of a runner and he had to find tall guy fast, why did it have to be running! They turned left down yet another alley way, the problem was that he could easily loose tall guy in this terrain. To the north it became more spread out and suburban, and to the east it was an industrial estate and to the west it became more built up, that was where he would go, that what his gut told him. Damn it he was going to lose him if he followed the suits, he had to get a better view.
One of the suits had figured out they were being followed, he started to turn, “fuck!” thought Rudraya. The alley was poorly lit and he was not all that keen on knocking the guy out, so he drew in as much energy as he could and jumped. The world seemed to slow as he powered off the concrete floor, he jumped at an angle and hit the other wall about 15ft up, luckily the suit had just looked over his shoulder and was still hot on the chase. The ricocheted off the walls going up and up the wind whistled in his ears as the figures of the men became smaller. He let out a roar as he jumped up onto the roof of a building and came down lightly. He started to run east over the roof continuously keeping track of the tiny black figures, he desperately searched for tall guy. By now the end of the roof was coming and the next building was about 20 ft away, he had never tried a jump this big but there was no room for though. With his heart in his mouth he leapt, but he knew he had misjudged the next building, he was heading for the wall fast. He sent all his energy into his legs hoping his knees wouldn’t explode through his knee caps. The bricks crumbled and broke apart as his foot cleaved the wall as he pushed away. A huge shockwave ripped through him as he hit the opposite wall and landed in a heap at its base. He just sat in a dazed lump at the base of the wall as he saw a suit rush around the corner and get lifted into the air and suspended, as though by invisible strings, “found him,” he mumbled.