Thursday 30 April 2015

New Beginnings

He felt the arm of his enemy snap but that was not enough, he then them onto the ground as they screamed in pain and without remorse he stomped on their spine. Rudraya woke in a cold sweat, his wasn't the first time he had this dream. For the past week he had dreamt. He had never killed anything larger than insect in his life although some part of him was trying to convince him that the thing was a mass f hatred made flesh, he was wracked with guilt, it could have been a person once had he killed someone? He put the thought out of his head while, choosing to ignore it for now. When tall guy had left him in the alley he had lain there for a which healing, his power meant he was able to drag himself to his feet and slowly stumble to his appartment. The wound itself had closed up in half an hour, but the internal healing took another couple of hours.

So there were others with powers, what should he do? what would his teacher have done? And what could he do? He was just another low immigrant working in the library of Novum Aurora? His parents would have said don't think to much son,  just go with what feels right, we know you better than you think. "How will I find people with this shithole of a situation I'm in!?" he shouted out loud.

For the last couple of days he had gone to work as normal, but his mind was constantly drifting. Filing books away in the wrong places, staring into space. It was almost enough to stop the constant pin pricks on his mind of people wanting books found. Today was the same, he drifted into one of his favorite section, the religion and spirituality section, why they grouped the two together was not surprising but not correct in his opinion. He picked a book at random  and opened it and read the first sentence he saw “anyone who wants change has to change in ways yet un-thought of,” he immediately dismissed the book and almost threw it aside in his dark mood. Money was one of the least important things in his life, he valued it less for its hold it had on most people but he had to admit that without it, sometimes you were nothing going nowhere.  As he walked home he saw a sign saying , “want to further your prospects? Attend the University of Novum Aurora, the most prestigious in the world, now offering apprentice ships!!,” it would have been the perfect place for his research he would have access to all sorts of information...but what would he study?  He had a set of A Levels to his name but what if they dug too deep? Found out he was an illegal immigrant? But he had to try, it was his only chance.

As  he entered his front door he pick up the junk mail and sorted through it. “Join the university of Novum Aurora today...” once was probably just coincidence but twice? Well if he had wanted a sign he had just got one. Rudraya believed in life giving you pointers, he wasn't so sure of the concept of fate but he believed in life giving you a message. But it was such a big change for him, if it succeeded, “anyone who wants change has to change in ways yet un-thought of,” what the hell, he had nothing to loose.  He spent the next couple of days trying to decide what he would like to study.  His first thought was psychology or philosophy, they would be of lesser difficuly to register for and hopefully they would be impressed with his knowledge. Maybe religious studies since he had already read a lot on the subject. His aim was to get something that wouldn’t take too much work so he could focus on looking for people. He also had to think about job prospects.....he was thinking too much just get there first. 

To their credit the university architects had done a good job when they constructed the building, they had covered up austere grey blocks with sweeping glass and metal panels. He supposed the main building was a traditional old affair but the student reception area was cool. It was all new to him nothing unfamiliar. After all he worked in the biggest and most prestigious library in the city, yet he had to admit to himself that the system still overwhelmed him and he was more than a bit nervous, almost nervous enough to cover up the now more frequent pin pricks on his psyche as he was now with a large group of people. He tried to stay near the back and be unnoticed. His long hair was almost an advantage as most of the male students milling around also had similar hairstyles. They walked round the various campuses and building for a couple of hours,  it was a clear sunny day and he was just glad to be walking about outside, a gentle breeze was a welcome addition as the sun bathed everything in a golden heat. Everything seemed so vibrant to his eyes. He had never seen buildings with so much glass and open spaces lit by natural light, and he was impressed by the potential for learning at this place. Many millions of people had come and gone here, each would study the subject that would potentially start them on a life long journey. Once the group returned to the students reception it had been set up as a sort of market type stall affair, with a program detailing the different subject to be studied and people you could ask questions to. He drifted towards the arts and humanities area, something that wouldn't take him too much time or effort and something he would be interested in.

He hesitantly made his way to the philosophy stall. "Hello, are you interested in studying philosopy with the university?", "how could you guess!" thought Rudraya as he replied. The man he was talking to had a typlical student look about him, bad hair check, bad breath check and bad clothing. Then again in the clothing department Rudraya couldn't really compete. He briefly talked about all the modules that were on offer, the different philosophers that would be studied in depth. Rudraya cast an eye over the psychology and thanked the man for the information. He went over to the psychology stall and received the same sort of information. He made his way to the finance desk where e would find out if the day had been a complete waste. "Hello, I want to find out if I will be eligible for a student loan" he said, the women at the desk was looked to be in her mid thirties and had a helping air. She gave him a form to fill in asking for his age how long had he been living in Novum Aurora and how long he had been working.She then too,the form from him and input the information into he computer. Rudraya was nervous and had the familiar uneasy feeling in his chest. He hadn't realised how much he was looking for a change in his life,  and how much he was relying on this. He hated being nervous, he hated having to depend on others but he new that everyone depended on someone or something and one point or another in their life. He was fidgeting with his hands when, and hating himself for it when the lady said, "lets see what you are eligible for," he almost was holding his breath at this point "it looks like you will be in good hands Rudraya!, you are eligible for a student loan with an additional grant due to the amount of time you have been working and the fact that you have no guarantors," "guarantors?" he asked? "You have no people you can depend on", a flash of sadness passed across his eyes but it was gone as quickly as it appeared.  

The rest of the day passed in the blink of an eye,  now he was back in his apartment. So little had gone well for him in the past few years. There had been moments, brief flashes of what should have been, when he managed to secure a job and and wasn't homeless. He felt like time had stopped passing for these moments now he looked back, he felt a weight off his shoulders, he couldn't place what it was at first, but as he sat there it came, it was expectation. When he was younger he had always thought his life had been meant for something, not that he was better than everyone but that he was meant for something. The past few years had crushed that notion out of him, at least he thought they had. He had not expected all those old feelings to come up, funny how it had started, all he wanted to do was find others with powers, now he had a government loan and a possibility of making a bit more of himself. He sat there and allowed a small tear to fall. How could a small drop contain so much?